General Options

This image will not appear when saving your ovelay.

Current Size: 376px

Tip: For even colmuns, use the following section width. Two: 940px, Three: 623px, Four: 470px, Five: 376px. You can also click any slider, then use your arrow keys for 1px adjustments.

Current Size: 60px

Current Position: 20px

Current Size: -18px

Current Size: 3px

Current Size: 3px

Current Size: 0px

Current Size: 3px

Divider Options

Current Size: 28px

Current Size: 28px

Current Size: 0px

Current Size: 5px

Tip: Set any divider color to have no opacity to hide it. Use the slider on the bottom of the color picker to acheive this.

Text Options

Fonts are case sensitive. Type the font name in here to load any font used on your local computer.

Find any Google Webfont here. Type the name (case senstive) into the box, and click the load button.

Current Size: 16px

Current Size: 700

Current Size: 4px

Current Size: -2px

Current Size: 300px

This controls the width of the text holder. Making it smaller will force text to another line.

Download your Overlay

Enter name for file here, then click the download button.